10 Things You Need to Master your Amazon Services

So, you got some brand locked and loaded right at the corner of the street. You’re selling your products like hotcakes, right? Wait, what?! Your products are rotting inside your shop due to humidity; baked in the sunlight but not selling. Say no more! All you need is the amazing power of Amazon. You need to register your brand, set up your store, and upload your products, that’s pretty much it.

Creating your online Store isn’t some Master Chef’s cherry topping. It’s a piece of cake. Thanks to the Amazon Services Store DIY experience, which allows vendors to set up their stores in no time. All you need is basic knowledge about an online store, and how it differs from real-time shops. Secondly, you should own a brand or be aware of what you’ll be selling on the world’s biggest seller’s platform – Amazon.

Read below and absorb these concepts in your mind if you want to become an A-list seller on the biggest e-Shopping platform.

1. Create a Professional Amazon Seller’s Account

The first step is to create your account. You will be asked to provide basic information such as your full name, address, and email. Also, Amazon will call on the business contact number for verification, so always cross-check the submitted information.

To create a professional seller account, follow these steps:

  • Your full name.
  • Mention your permanent home address.
  • Write down your contact number.
  • Mention your email address.
  • Mention your business structure type (LLC partnership, sole proprietor, and corporation).
  • The US State of registration.
  • The FTI (Federal Tax Identification) number.

2. Brand Registration

Now it’s time to register your brand on Amazon. Apply for the ABR (Amazon Brand Registry) program to get started. It offers many tools to improve your presentation of products. Also, you’ll be able to access selling categories that are highly restricted. Keep note, resellers who buy at cheap prices for trading it for huge amounts of cash cannot register their brands.

Brand Analytics is the best tool provided to online sellers, which provides insights and other vital information about shoppers. Almost all the Amazon services agency proprietors you this tool to remain updated. Follow these steps to apply for the ABR program:

  • It should be registered with the United States Patent & Trademark Office.
  • Get your brand’s USPTO serial number.
  • Mention countries where products are manufactured as well as distributed.
  • Brand’s name image on the product.
  • Put on your product label image.
  • Upload product image(s).

3. Minimalistic Store Setup

One of the best ways to drive organic “real people” traffic on your Amazon store is to keep things simple. Do not add overstatements to your product descriptions. Write precisely and to the point. Never underestimate the power of straightforwardness.

By creating up a “classic” store setup on Amazon, you create room to highlight your main products. A less overcrowded store helps you focus on your bestseller items. Undoubtedly, a basic Amazon setup with no fancy stuff gives you peace of mind. There are fewer chances of failure.

4. Key Features to unlock “Amazon Seller” Potentials

If you’re looking to create a store that’s unique from your rivals on the A-Z marketplace, then follow these tips.

First off, select your best template that complements your brand from hundreds of storefront layouts available. Therefore, people hire Amazon services company experts to provide them with proper guidance.

  • Add personalized touches to your best products with dynamic features; add multimedia content to impress your customers. It also helps enhance buyer’s shopping experience.
  • You can add multiple pages on your Amazon Store (3-page categories maximum). So, categorize your products accordingly to enhance the shopper’s experience.
  • Amazon offers integrated free-of-cost social features, such as social sharing buttons. Also, you can use several promotional plugins such as the Headline Search Ads and many others.
  • You can also use the Self-service Builder available for free on Amazon. The templates are easy to use, and you can use them to create an extraordinary buyer’s experience in your store.
  • Setting up an Amazon store is 100% coding-free. With hundreds of templates and extensions available on Amazon, you can create your store easily without writing a single command.

5. High-quality Product Images

Probably one of the most crucial aspects of the Amazon Store. Product descriptions are a mirror to your Amazon store. It helps customers what they’re dealing with; gives them the idea of the store’s authenticity. Products images are noteworthy representations of your Amazon store. Amazon recommends using a 1:1 square image with dimensions 2000 x 2000. The maximum image size varies from anything under 10Mb, but not more than that.

The JPEG format is ideal if you want to upload high-quality product description images. You can also upload other picture formats like PNG, TIFF, and GIF.

Furthermore, adding high-definition images captures the attention of buyers and visitors alike. They spend more time on your store. Thus, improving your product’s conversion rates. Add the content tiles alongside images like titles, galleries, titles, bestseller product grids, videos, and navigation.

6. Upload your Products

This is what makes Amazon different from other online selling platforms. When you’ve completed the page’s design layout and images, now it’s time to add the products. Amazon provides a product inventory, which is a wide array of items for customers to select from.

Therefore, you need to have your products available at all times. If not, you have to inform your buyer’s about its unavailability i.e., out of stock. Also, you can mention the specific date when the stock will be available for shoppers to purchase.

7. Eye-catchy Product Descriptions

You cannot ignore the descriptive point of view of your products. You can upload the best images and products on your store, but if it’s missing good product descriptions – you lose!

Product descriptions are the main focus of attention, so you need to write them perfectly. Tell a story about your product by giving an example. You can always mention real-life instances where your product could be a lifesaver. Give a detailed description of your product. Write how it can be used in numerous ways on different occasions.

Besides, you can add your main highlight features by putting them in bullet points. These one-liners are great for grabbing the attention of readers, which in return become your potential customers.

8. Impressively detailed Infographic

Not everybody who owns a store on Amazon uses this compilation of enlightening reeled images. Infographics are a great way to convey your product’s information in the best interactive possible. As well, these interlinked graphic illustrations of your products convey information much faster. The main advantages of putting up infographics are they’re highly likable, the brain processes visuals faster, and ideal for visual storytelling.

Moreover, infographics are shareable on social media, so there are high chances they can go viral. Thus, you generate more organic traffic, increase ROI conversion rates, and boost sales.

9. Submission of Amazon Pages for Review before publish

Finished with setting up your pages with befitting templates, product images, and product descriptions? Now, it’s time for the review. Make sure your Amazon pages are error-free. There’s a dedicated Store Preview option available to examine your store setup. Here you can rectify any possible mistakes.

Make sure to check:

  • Grammatical errors.
  • Misspelling.
  • Discrepancies of branding and images.
  • Issues with page navigations, product images, and different content tiles.

After checking, now it’s time to send it to Amazon for the final verdict.

10. Examine Amazon Metrics Daily

Congratulations on your Amazon store getting accepted by the higher authority. Enjoy selling your products on one of the biggest e-commerce platforms. Don’t forget to check on Amazon Store Insights. You can view things like daily visitors, total views, and total sales, units sold.

You can use the Amazon brand analytics feature tool to check for other metric scores. It includes total organic traffic, traffic from headline search ads, tagged sources, and other uncategorized ones.

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