Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2021: Marketing Strategies For Your Store

BFriday & C M-Marketing Strategies

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday kicking off the festive period, it’s the time of year that eCommerce sales start to sky rocket. The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has led to increased online sales, putting further emphasis on website optimization. For small ecommerce businesses, it is essential to have an online strategy to make the most of the increased traffic online …

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Why Does Your E-commerce Store Needs A Magneto Mobile App?


The present generation of technology is updated every time and grows as per the customer’s taste and preferences. Customer preference is considered to be a weight age for conducting business. The e-commerce businesses need to be more careful since the entire business activity is based on the website and application that will be used for the company’s operation. For the …

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How To Optimize Products On Online Shopping Store


The world is shifting towards the digital market and is growing day by day as people are more relying on technology and tread in demand and supply also increases on online portals. To maintaining equilibrium, online stores are inviting more and more sellers to their platforms and seller sees great opportunity in it. These leading new sellers to a miserable …

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